When we came to the Student Cultural Center with an idea to interview members of Laibach we found out that band gives only interviews to TV stations. Ha! No way! We are elektrobankmusik and we shall not be denied! So after some radical actions (read: we begged and pleaded) Vier Personen agreed to answer us a few questions. So while we recorded the whole thing with a poor man's digital camera (it has a pathetic excuse for a microphone and the whole sound is bad, we had to read lips to transcribe this), the whole crew of MTV Adria, and several other big TV names, with their flashy pro TV cameras with big optical lenses, big puffy mics and those light direction screens, timidly waited for us to finish.
E.B.M. - Can you tell us about the new 300 000 V.K. lp “Titan”
Vier - This is one of our side projects and I wasn’t personaly involved in it, but I can tell you that it is ambiental electronic album and that is dedicated to Saturn's Cassini mission.
E.B.M. - What is your definition of Eastern Europe?
Vier - It is something that we feel very close to us. It has a deeply rooted enthusiasm in it's nature, and can still look to some things without cynicism. Western Europe has lost this enthusiasm.
E.B.M. - Will barbarians ever get to Europe?
Vier - They are already here. And it is not only story of Europe., “Now You Will Pay” is also story about America.
(Whole interview is a bit longer, but this is all we could decypher from the material we had, it is shitty to publish only partial interview, but hey, this is underground, this is good :)
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